Leadership Development

Learning To Lead

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Harvest cares deeply about developing and equipping leaders in the church. Every year we have a number of men who are nominated to the office of elder and deacon. For those who wish to pursue a formal ‘office’ (i.e., leadership role) in the church, they are required to go through our year long leadership development process.

But even if you haven’t been nominated to a formal leadership role in the church, nor are you pursuing a formal leadership role in the near future, everyone is invited to participate in our leadership development process!

Over the course of a year, you will learn how to lead Bible studies and teach Sunday school classes. We will help you as you think about leading and discipling other people in the church. We’ll talk through organic and institutional ministries. And we’ll take a deep dive into our theology too.

Whether you’re pursuing a formal leadership role in the church, or you’d just like to grow as a spiritual leader, we invite you to join our annual leadership development process.


John Hancock

5:00 PM Every Monday

Join us in the main sanctuary for the meeting.

Church Sanctuary

You can park around back.

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Over the course of a year, you will learn how to lead Bible studies and teach Sunday school classes. We will help you as you think about leading and discipling other people in the church. We'll talk through organic and institutional ministries. And we'll take a deep dive into our theology too.